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Words that End With Suffix NT

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Words with 9 letters that end in 'NT'

refulgent regardant reimplant reiterant reluctant remitment remittent remontant renascent repayment repellant repellent repentant repigment replicant represent repugnant resilient resistant resistent resolvent resorbent restraint resultant resurgent retardant revelment revertant revetment rousement rubescent rufescent sacrament scapement sealpoint secernent segregant senescent sentiment sexvalent shopfront skinflint soleprint somnolent spearmint splendent statement stegodont sterilant stimulant strewment stringent subjacent subpotent subtenant succedent succulent suppliant sustinent susurrant sycophant tabescent telepoint terebrant termagant tervalent testament thecodont thelement thrillant transeunt transient treatment tremblant tremolant tremulant trenchant trepidant trivalent truculent tumescent turbulent turribant uncessant uncomment uncurrent undertint underwent ungallant unipotent unisonant univalent vacillant vengement vestiment vicariant viewpoint virescent volitient wavefront windburnt woodprint workprint worriment

Words with 8 letters that end in 'NT'

abdicant abducent aberrant abetment abradant absonant abundant abutment accident accusant acescent acquaint acrodont acupoint adducent adherent adjacent adjutant adjuvant afferent affluent agrement alaiment aliquant alterant ambulant aperient apparent appetent aquatint argument armament armgaunt arrogant ashplant aspirant assonant atrament averment avoidant bacchant bailment basement bashment batement Beaumont besprent bivalent blattant bodement bouffant bowfront bunodont calamint califont casement cerement claimant cloyment coherent coinvent colorant comprint confront conjoint conodont constant coparent coregent corybant cosecant cotenant couchant covalent covenant creodont crescent cynodont debutant débutant decadent decedent dedicant deferent defluent deponent depurant desinent dewpoint dilatant diligent dirigent diriment discount disjoint dismount displant divalent dividant document dominant dormient drypoint easement efferent effluent eggplant elephant eloquent emergent emigrant emulgent endpoint equitant erumpent esculent esurient evacuant evolvent excitant excubant exhalant exhalent exigeant existent expirant exponent exsecant exultant eyepoint faineant Fairmont fakement feculent figurant filament flagrant flippant floatant floreant forehent forelent forewent forspent fragment fragrant frappant frequent frondent fumigant galavant galivant gazement generant gradient grievant guardant gunflint gunpoint habitant haterent hauriant haurient headhunt hebetant hellbent hesitant hirrient homodont ignorant immanent imminent immoment imponent impotent impudent incident incitant indecent indicant indigent indolent inerrant influent inhalant inherent innocent inscient insolent insulant insurant inundant irritant isobront jazerant jubilant judgment lacerant latitant lavement libelant ligament liniment litigant lodgment luculent luminant mazement medicant merchant midpoint militant miniment misagent miscount misevent mispaint misplant mispoint misprint misspent mitigant moniment monodont monotint monument mountant movement mowburnt muculent muniment mylodont naissant nauseant needment nescient nonevent nonpoint nonprint noverint nutrient obedient obeisant obligant occident occupant offprint ointment olefiant oliphant oppilant opponent ordinant oreodont ornament orpiment oscitant osculant outburnt outcount outpaint outpoint outspent outstunt outvaunt overhent overhunt overlent overwent parament paravant parpoint passment patulent pavement pediment penchant penitent penpoint perceant permeant persaunt petulant pheasant piedmont Piedmont pieplant pinpoint plainant plangent pleasant poignant pregnant preplant preprint proppant proviant prurient puissant pursuant purulent quadrant questant quitrent quotient radicant reaccent reactant reanoint reascent recement recreant recusant redolent referent refluent regiment reinvent relaxant relearnt relevant relucent remanent renitent reorient resident resonant reticent retirant revehent revenant reverent roborant rudiment ruminant rutilant saturant scandent schizont seafront seamount secodont sederunt sediment segreant semblant sentient sepiment sergeant serjeant servient setenant shipment sibilant simulant sonorant sortment stagnant strepent strident subagent sunburnt supplant surmount surprint symbiont tegument temulent tenement titubant tolerant toxicant trippant tulipant undecent undulant unlearnt unpliant unsilent untenant urticant vaginant vegetant vehement vesicant vestment vigilant vinolent virement virulent viscount visitant vizament volitant wariment waxplant