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Words with 18 letters that end in 'icity'
anthropocentricityWords with 17 letters that end in 'icity'
cytopathogenicity stereospecificity thermoelectricity thermoperiodicityWords with 16 letters that end in 'icity'
electrophilicity ferroelectricity homoscedasticity hydroelectricity monochromaticity piezoelectricity quasiperiodicity thermoplasticity triboelectricityWords with 15 letters that end in 'icity'
carcinogenicity ethnocentricity heliocentricity microseismicity monospecificity monosyllabicity nucleophilicity photoelasticity pyroelectricity superplasticity viscoelasticityWords with 14 letters that end in 'icity'
aeroelasticity bioelectricity goitrogenicity hepatotoxicity hydrophilicity hydrophobicity hygroscopicity immunogenicity inauthenticity nephrotoxicity teratogenicity theocentricity tumorigenicity unauthenticityWords with 13 letters that end in 'icity'
achromaticity allergenicity concentricity egocentricity exothermicity hypertonicity iatrogenicity inharmonicity neurotoxicity pathogenicity phototoxicity phytotoxicity quadruplicity saprogenicity scientificity spheroidicity synchronicity tetrabasicity tumorgenicityWords with 12 letters that end in 'icity'
alcoholicity anelasticity antigenicity aperiodicity apostolicity authenticity automaticity chromaticity cylindricity cytotoxicity eccentricity genotypicity hypotonicity inelasticity lysogenicity mitogenicity monotonicity multiplicity mutagenicity nonrhoticity oncogenicity pneumaticity pyrogenicity toxigenicityWords with 11 letters that end in 'icity'
analyticity aromaticity catholicity diatomicity domesticity ecumenicity electricity ellipticity epidemicity eupepticity hermeticity historicity isotonicity ototoxicity periodicity prolificity rhythmicity specificity syllabicity volcanicity vulcanicityWords with 10 letters that end in 'icity'
caloricity canonicity causticity centricity chronicity complicity dibasicity elasticity endemicity ergodicity impudicity infelicity organicity plasticity seismicity simplicity spasticity sphericity stypticity triplicityWords with 9 letters that end in 'icity'
atomicity atonicity clericity clonicity cyclicity duplicity ethnicity facticity febricity iconicity implicity lubricity mendicity multicity pepticity publicity rhoticity rusticity septicity tacticity verticity vorticityWords with 8 letters that end in 'icity'
anticity basicity conicity cubicity felicity helicity ionicity pudicity sodicity solicity tonicity toxicityWords with 7 letters that end in 'icity'
laicity unicity
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