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XIS is an English word with 3 letters, see more words with 3 letters

Nearby Words

xiphosurans : xis : xiv

Words that rhyme with xis

GIS ais cis gis kis ois qis xii sis IIS

Suffixes of xis


Prefixes of xis


These words are direct anagrams of XIS


Words that end with xis

Alexis hypotaxis lexis maxis prophylaxis taxis aerotaxis amphimixis anaptyxis anaphylaxis anatexis apomixis brachyaxis catalexis cathexis chemotaxis clinoaxis cytotaxis deixis diazeuxis echopraxis endeixis epitaxis epizeuxis geotaxis guanxis heliotaxis heterotaxis homotaxis hydrotaxis hypercatalexis morphallaxis orexis orthoaxis orthopraxis panmixis paraphraxis parapraxis parataxis phototaxis phylaxis phyllotaxis praxis pseudaxis ptyxis pyxis rheotaxis rhexis sparaxis stereotaxis
Words ending with xis

Digrams (Letter Pairs) in xis

is xi

Anagrams of 'xis'

Words containing the word XIS