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PERFUNCTORILY is an English word with 13 letters, see more words with 13 letters

Nearby Words

perfumy : perfunctorily : perfunctoriness

Words that rhyme with perfunctorily

perfunctory perfunctoriness proventriculi proventricular proventriculus provinciality profundities preveniently perpendicularity prepunctual

Suffixes of perfunctorily

erfunctorily rfunctorily functorily unctorily nctorily ctorily torily orily rily ily ly

Prefixes of perfunctorily

perfunctoril perfunctori perfunctor perfuncto perfunct perfunc perfun perfu perf per pe

Digrams (Letter Pairs) in perfunctorily

ct er fu il ly nc or pe rf ri to un

Anagrams of 'perfunctorily'

Words containing the word PERFUNCTORILY