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BIOTECHNOLOGIES is an English word with 15 letters, see more words with 15 letters

Nearby Words

biotechnological : biotechnologies : biotechnologist

Words that rhyme with biotechnologies

biotechnologist biotechnologists biotechnological biotechnology pathogenicities biotechnical botchinesses photosensitises photosensitizes photosynthesise

Suffixes of biotechnologies

iotechnologies otechnologies technologies echnologies chnologies hnologies nologies ologies logies ogies gies ies es

Prefixes of biotechnologies

biotechnologie biotechnologi biotechnolog biotechnolo biotechnol biotechno biotechn biotech biotec biote biot bio bi

Digrams (Letter Pairs) in biotechnologies

bi ch ec es gi hn ie io lo no og ol ot te

Anagrams of 'biotechnologies'

Words containing the word BIOTECHNOLOGIES