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OVERESTIMATION is an English word with 14 letters, see more words with 14 letters

Nearby Words

overestimating : overestimation : overestimations

Words that rhyme with overestimation

overestimating overestimations oversaturation overstimulation overestimates overstimulates overestimate overstimulations oversaturations overhastinesses

Suffixes of overestimation

verestimation erestimation restimation estimation stimation timation imation mation ation tion ion on

Prefixes of overestimation

overestimatio overestimati overestimat overestima overestim overesti overest overes overe over ove ov

Words that start with overestimation


Digrams (Letter Pairs) in overestimation

at er es im io ma on ov re st ti ve

Anagrams of 'overestimation'

Words containing the word OVERESTIMATION