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PHOTOTAXIES is an English word with 11 letters, see more words with 11 letters

Nearby Words

phototaxes : phototaxies : phototaxis

Words that rhyme with phototaxies

phototaxes phototaxis apotheosise photodiodes apotheosises patooties phototoxic apotheosize apotheosis epitaxies

Suffixes of phototaxies

hototaxies ototaxies totaxies otaxies taxies axies xies ies es

Prefixes of phototaxies

phototaxie phototaxi phototax photota photot photo phot pho ph

Digrams (Letter Pairs) in phototaxies

ax es ho ie ot ph ta to xi

Anagrams of 'phototaxies'

Words containing the word PHOTOTAXIES