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PLEOCHROISMS is an English word with 12 letters, see more words with 12 letters

Nearby Words

pleochroism : pleochroisms : pleomorphic

Words that rhyme with pleochroisms

pleochroism polychroisms polychromies polychroism pleochroic polychromes polycrotisms polychromous polychromatism polychromatisms

Suffixes of pleochroisms

leochroisms eochroisms ochroisms chroisms hroisms roisms oisms isms sms ms

Prefixes of pleochroisms

pleochroism pleochrois pleochroi pleochro pleochr pleoch pleoc pleo ple pl

Digrams (Letter Pairs) in pleochroisms

ch eo hr is le ms oc oi pl ro sm

Anagrams of 'pleochroisms'

Words containing the word PLEOCHROISMS