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PREHENSIVE is an English word with 10 letters, see more words with 10 letters

Nearby Words

prehensions : prehensive : prehensor

Words that rhyme with prehensive

prehensile prehension apprehensive phrensies prehensions prehensors phrenesis prehensible prerinsing phrensied

Suffixes of prehensive

rehensive ehensive hensive ensive nsive sive ive ve

Prefixes of prehensive

prehensiv prehensi prehens prehen prehe preh pre pr

Words that end with prehensive

apprehensive comprehensive inapprehensive incomprehensive misapprehensive prehensive unapprehensive uncomprehensive reprehensive

Digrams (Letter Pairs) in prehensive

eh en he iv ns pr re si ve

Anagrams of 'prehensive'

Words containing the word PREHENSIVE