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Words that End With Suffix NTS

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Words with 11 letters that end in 'nts'

malcontents malfeasants malignments managements marcantants medicaments menservants microprints minglements ministrants miscontents muddlements mumblements nondeviants nonmigrants nonpayments nonstudents obligements obtainments oceanfronts omnipotents ordainments outpatients palliaments paludaments parliaments parturients pasquilants peppermints percipients percutients persistents perturbants pesterments phycobionts pinchpoints plainchants pleurodonts polishments polysemants ponderments practisants preachments preappoints preferments prepayments pretendants pretendents prisonments proficients propellants propellents propelments protectants protestants punishments pursuivants puzzlements rabblements ravagements ravishments reacquaints rearguments rearmaments rebatements recallments reclaimants recoupments redcurrants rediscounts refinements refundments regainments regalements registrants relentments remandments repinements resentments reshipments resignments resilements respondents restaurants retailments retainments retardments retirements retreatants revealments revilements revisitants revivements revokements riverfronts saprobionts scarcements secernments secondments securements seducements selenodonts settlements shinsplints shirtfronts shorefronts signalments smartypants solacements solicitants solivagants standpoints stepparents storefronts subduements submediants subsegments subsequents subtangents sufficients sunderments superagents supergiants supplements supplicants supplyments surfactants suscipients tanglements tapotements thumbprints topgallants tournaments transplants underagents undercounts underplants unfoldments unruliments usucapients vanishments vicegerents viceregents vociferants voiceprints waterfronts wilderments wonderments zeuglodonts

Words with 10 letters that end in 'nts'

abasements abashments abatements abodements absolvents absorbants absorbents acceptants addlements adornments adsorbents aerobionts affirmants affixments agistments agreements alignments alinements allayments allegiants alleviants allotments alternants amassments amazements amendments amusements annexments annuitants annulments anovulants apartments appellants appendants appendents applicants arrayments arrestants ascendants ascendents assailants assistants atonements attendants attenuants attestants attollents attrahents autopoints avisements ballpoints battements besetments bevelments bioparents bivariants blastments bluepoints blueprints brilliants cashpoints catamounts catchments cauterants celebrants chatoyants chorizonts clinquants coagulants colourants combatants commorants complaints components computants condiments confidants confidents confluents conjugants consonants continents copayments copresents cormorants corposants corrigents corrodants corrodents cotangents covariants croissants debarments declarants decrements defendants deferments deficients defoliants demandants demulcents deodorants dependants dependents depigments desiccants detergents determents deterrents detriments devilments digestants disanoints disinvents disorients disputants dissidents distraints dizenments educements efficients egarements ejectments eliminants eloinments elopements embayments embedments emblements embowments emollients emoluments enactments endowments engouments enjoyments enrolments enurements equipments eradicants erasements evenements exactments examinants exceptants excipients excrements executants exfoliants exilements expectants expedients expellants expellents extolments fabricants faceprints feoffments firmaments fleshments footprints forefronts forepoints fulminants fundaments furniments gallivants godparents grandaunts halobionts handprints hardiments hatchments headcounts herriments herryments hoofprints horsemints humectants ignescents imbuements immigrants impellents implements implodents increments incumbents inebriants infestants informants injectants inmigrants inoculants inpatients inpayments insolvents insurgents integrants intendants interments intrigants inurements inurnments invariants itinerants jesserants jolliments judgements lakefronts leadplants libellants lineaments locoplants lodgements lubricants malignants maltalents mastodonts mendicants merriments mezzotints miscreants misorients mossplants mycobionts negociants negotiants newsagents newsprints nickpoints nilpotents nonmutants nonparents nutriments obscurants observants obstruents obtundents occludents occurrents officiants oppugnants outsprints overcounts overmounts overpaints overplants overprints paramounts parchments parlements passaments passements penetrants permanents pertinents placements pollutants postulants pourpoints precedents predicants predikants presidents prevalents procreants proponents provocants pustulants rabatments ravelments reappoints rebutments recalments recipients recrements reductants reentrants refitments reimplants remitments remontants repayments repellants repellents repentants repigments replicants represents resistants resistents resolvents restraints resultants retardants revelments revertants revetments rousements sacraments scapements sealpoints secernents segregants sentiments shopfronts skinflints soleprints spearmints statements stegodonts sterilants stimulants strewments subtenants succulents suppliants sweatpants sycophants telepoints terebrants termagants testaments thecodonts thelements transients treatments tremolants tremulants turribants uncomments underpants undertints univalents vengements vestiments vicariants viewpoints wavefronts woodprints workprints worriments

Words with 9 letters that end in 'nts'

aberrants abetments abradants abutments accidents accusants acescents acquaints acrodonts