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Words with 9 letters that end in 'y'

eminently emotively emotivity empanoply emulously emunctory endlessly endophagy endoscopy endurably engagedly engravery enjoyably enragedly entelechy enterally enviously envyingly epeolatry ephoralty epigraphy epirogeny epochally equitably ergometry erosivity erotology eruditely esemplasy estimably esuriency eternally ethically ethnarchy ethnicity ethnogeny ethnology etymology euchology eudaemony eurhythmy euthanasy eutrapely evadingly evasively everybody evidently evincibly evocatory exaltedly excitably excitancy excitedly exclusory excretory excusably execrably executary executory exemplary exemplify exigently expiatory expletory expressly exstrophy extensity extrality extremely extremity extrusory exultancy facticity factually facundity faddishly failingly faineancy fairishly fallalery fantastry fatefully fatuously favorably fawningly fearfully featurely febricity febrility feculency fecundity federally feelingly feignedly femineity fertilely fertility fervently fervidity festilogy festively festivity festology fetoscopy feudality feudatory fibrously fictively fiduciary figurally figuredly finically finickety fissility fittingly fivepenny flaccidly flagrancy flamingly flannelly flaringly flauntily flightily flippancy floridity floristry flourishy flowerily flowingly fluidally foamingly fogramity foiningly foolhardy foolishly footweary foppishly forcingly forecaddy foreignly forlornly formality formicary formulary forwardly fourpenny fragilely fragility fragrancy franticly fratchety freebooty frenchify frequency fretfully frigidity frivolity frontally frowardly fructuary frugality fulgently fulsomely fungosity furcately furiosity furiously furtively gainfully gallantly gallantry gallingly garbology garlandry garnishry garrulity gasometry gaspingly gaugeably gawkishly geminally gemmology genealogy generalcy generally geniality genically genitally genteelly gentility genuinely geobotany geography germanely gestatory gibbosity gibbously gigmanity gimmickry girdingly girlishly gismology gizmology glacially glaringly gleefully glengarry glidingly globesity globosely globosity glowingly gnawingly goatishly godlessly goldfinny goldsinny gorblimey gossamery gracility gradatory gradually grandaddy grandbaby granulary graphicly gratingly gravidity grazingly gripingly gropingly grouchily growingly guardedly gulpingly gummosity gushingly gustatory gutlessly gynocracy gyromancy habitably hackberry haecceity haggardly haggishly hagiarchy hagiology hairspray halfpenny halophily haltingly haplessly haplology harmfully haruspicy hastately hatefully haughtily hawkishly hawthorny headachey healingly healthily heartedly heathenry hedgingly heedfully heinously helically heliology heliotypy hellishly helpfully hemihedry Hemingway hemitropy Hennessey hennishly heptapody heptarchy herbivory herbology hercogamy heritably herkogamy hesitancy hideosity hideously hierarchy hierology hillbilly hindberry hintingly hippiatry hippology hircosity hispidity hissingly histogeny histology historify hodometry hoggishly homeomery homocercy homophony homophyly homoplasy homospory homostyly honeyedly honorably hootnanny hopefully hoplology horometry horoscopy horseplay hortatory hostilely hostility howlingly huckstery huffishly hugeously humorally hurriedly hurtfully husbandly husbandry hushpuppy hybridity hydrology hyetology hygrology hymnology hypergamy hypernymy hypnogeny hypnology hypocrisy hyponasty iatrogeny ichnology iconicity iconology idiopathy ileostomy illegally illegibly illicitly imaginary immanency immediacy immensely immensity imminency immodesty immorally immovably immutably impavidly impiously implicity impliedly impotency improbity impudency imputably inability inaudibly incapably incensory incretory incurably incurvity indecency indelibly indemnify indemnity indigency indignify indignity indolency inebriety ineffably inerrably inerrancy inexactly inferably infirmary infirmity ingenuity ingrately inharmony inherency inhumanly initially innocency innocuity inquietly insatiety insectary insipidly insolubly instantly insularly insulsity integrity intensely intensify intensity intercity interplay intestacy intracity intricacy inutilely inutility invalidly inventory inversely inviolacy invisibly iodometry ionotropy irascibly irenology iridology iridotomy irksomely irreality irrigably irritably irritancy isopolity itineracy itinerary jabbingly janissary jarringly jealously jeeringly jequerity jequirity jerkingly jestingly jewellery jocularly jocundity jointedly joltingly joshingly joviality joylessly jubilancy judgingly judiciary jumpingly juniority juttingly karyogamy karyology kerflooey kiddingly killingly Kimberley Kingsbury kitschify kitschily knavishly knowingly koniology kvetchily labiality laboredly lacrimary lacteally laggardly laggingly lambently lampadary languidly lashingly lastingly laterally latitancy latrociny laudatory laughably lawlessly leadingly learnedly leeringly leewardly legendary legionary leisurely lengthily