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Words with 10 letters that start with 'ex'

exocytoses exocytosis exocytotic exodontias exodontics exodontist exoenzymes exogenetic exogenisms exonerated exonerates exonerator exonumists exophagies exophagous exoplanets exopodites exopoditic exorations exorbitant exorbitate exorcisers exorcising exorcistic exorcizers exorcizing exospheres exospheric exosporium exosporous exoterical exothermal exothermic exotically exoticisms exoticists exoticness exotropias expandable expansible expansibly expansions expatiated expatiates expatiator expatriate expectable expectably expectance expectancy expectants expectedly expectings expedience expediency expedients expeditate expeditely expediters expediting expedition expeditive expeditors expellable expellants expellents expendable expendably experience experiment expertised expertises expertisms expertized expertizes expertness expiations expiration expiratory expiscated expiscates explainers explaining explanting expletives explicable explicably explicated explicates explicator explicitly exploitage exploiters exploiting exploitive explosible explosions explosives exportable expositing exposition expositive expositors expository expostures expounders expounding expressage expressers expressing expression expressive expressman expressmen expressure expressway exprobrate expugnable expulsions expuncting expunction expurgated expurgates expurgator exquisites exsanguine exscinding exsections exsertions exsiccated exsiccates exsiccator exsolution exsufflate extemporal extempores extendable extendedly extendible extensible extensions extenuated extenuates extenuator exteriorly extermined extermines externally externship extincting extinction extinctive extincture extinguish extirpable extirpated extirpates extirpator extolments extortions extrabolds extractant extracting extraction extractive extractors extradited extradites extradoses extradotal extradural extralegal extramural extraneity extraneous extraposed extraposes extrasolar extraverts extremisms extremists extricable extricated extricates extroverts extrudable extrusible extrusions extubating exuberance exuberancy exuberated exuberates exudations exulcerate exultances exultantly exultation exultingly exurbanite exuviating exuviation

Words with 9 letters that start with 'ex'

exactable exactions exactment exactness exactress exaltedly examinant examinate examinees examiners examining examplars exampling exanimate exanthema exanthems exaration exarchate exarchies exarchist excambing excambion excambium excarnate excaudate excavated excavates excavator exceeders exceeding excellent excelling excelsior excentric exceptant excepting exception exceptive exceptors excerpted excerpter excerptor excerptum excessing excessive exchanged exchanger exchanges exchequer excipient excisable exciseman excisemen excisions excitable excitably excitancy excitants excitedly excitonic exclaimed exclaimer exclosure excludees excluders excluding exclusion exclusive exclusory excoriate excrement excreters excreting excretion excretive excretory exculpate excurrent excursing excursion excursive excusable excusably execrable execrably execrated execrates execrator executant executary executers executing execution executive executors executory executrix exegetics exegetist exemplars exemplary exemplify exempting exemption exemptive exequatur exercised exerciser exercises exercycle exergonic exertions exfoliant exfoliate exhalable exhalants exhalents exhausted exhauster exhibited exhibiter exhibitor exhorters exhorting exhumated exhumates exigeante exigences exigently exilement exilities existence existents exitances exocrines exocyclic exocytose exodermal exodermis exodontia exoenzyme exogamies exogamous exogenism exogenous exonerate exonumist exophoric exoplanet exoplasms exopodite exoration exorcised exorciser exorcises exorcisms exorcists exorcized exorcizer exorcizes exordiums exosmoses exosmosis exosmotic exosphere exosporal exospores exosporia exostoses exostosis exoticism exoticist exotoxins exotropia exotropic expanders expanding expandors expansile expansion expansive expatiate expectant expecters expecting expedient expedited expediter expedites expeditor expellant expellees expellent expellers expelling expenders expending expensing expensive experting expertise expertism expertize expiating expiation expiators expiatory expirable expirants expiscate explained explainer explanted expletive expletory explicate explicits exploders exploding exploited exploiter explorers exploring explosion explosive exponents exponible exporters exporting exposable exposited expositor exposture exposures expounded expounder expressed expresser expresses expressly expressos expugning expulsing expulsion expulsive expuncted expungers expunging expurgate expurging exquisite exscinded exsecants exsecting exsection exsertile exserting exsertion exsiccant exsiccate exstrophy exsuccous extempore extendant extenders extending extensile extension extensity extensive extensors extenuate exteriors extermine externals externats extincted extirpate extirping extollers extolling extolment extorsive extorters extorting extortion extortive extrabold extracted extractor extradite extrality extranets extrapose extraught extravert extremals extremely