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FEMTOSECONDS is an English word with 12 letters, see more words with 12 letters

Nearby Words

femtosecond : femtoseconds : femur

Words that rhyme with femtoseconds

femtosecond feoffments bondstones penteconters pentstemons benedictions fomentations obmutescence bondstone benthoscopes

Suffixes of femtoseconds

emtoseconds mtoseconds toseconds oseconds seconds econds conds onds nds ds

Prefixes of femtoseconds

femtosecond femtosecon femtoseco femtosec femtose femtos femto femt fem fe

Digrams (Letter Pairs) in femtoseconds

co ds ec em fe mt nd on os se to

Anagrams of 'femtoseconds'

Words containing the word FEMTOSECONDS