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UNDERFUNDINGS is an English word with 13 letters, see more words with 13 letters

Nearby Words

underfunding : underfundings : underfunds

Words that rhyme with underfundings

underfunding underpinnings underfinished underbreedings underbearings underbreeding underfeeding underbrushing underpraising underfishing

Suffixes of underfundings

nderfundings derfundings erfundings rfundings fundings undings ndings dings ings ngs gs

Prefixes of underfundings

underfunding underfundin underfundi underfund underfun underfu underf under unde und un

Digrams (Letter Pairs) in underfundings

de di er fu gs in nd ng rf un

Anagrams of 'underfundings'

Words containing the word UNDERFUNDINGS