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Words with 10 letters that end in 'c'

trithionic tropologic tularaemic tumorgenic tympanitic typhogenic ultrabasic ultraistic ultramafic ultrasonic unacademic unanalytic unartistic unathletic undidactic undogmatic undomestic undramatic uneconomic unemphatic unhistoric unhygienic unionistic unmechanic unneurotic unpathetic unpedantic unphonetic unprolific unrhythmic unromantic unspecific urbanistic urethritic uricosuric uricotelic urographic urosthenic vagotropic variolitic visiogenic vitalistic volumetric workaholic xenobiotic xenogeneic xenolithic xenophobic xenotropic xerodermic xerophytic xiphopagic xylophonic zelophobic zoographic zoomorphic zooplastic zootrophic zygosporic

Words with 9 letters that end in 'c'

abiogenic acephalic acoluthic acrobatic acrogenic acronymic adiabatic aerobatic aerolitic aerologic aeronomic aesthetic agelastic agonistic agrologic agronomic ahistoric ailanthic akaryotic albinotic alcoholic aldehydic aleatoric aleuronic algebraic alicyclic aliphatic alkalotic allantoic allegoric allogenic allomeric allotypic amaurotic amblyopic ametropic ammonitic amoristic anabiotic anaclitic anaerobic analcimic analectic analeptic analgesic analgetic anapestic anaphasic anaphoric anarthric anastatic andesitic anecdotic anelastic anhedonic animistic ankylotic anorectic anosmatic anoxaemic antarctic Antarctic anthozoic anthracic anthropic anticivic antigenic antimeric antimonic antimusic antinomic antitoxic antitypic antonymic apathetic aperiodic aphanitic apheretic aplanatic aplanetic apneustic apodictic apomictic apophatic apoptotic aposporic apostatic apostolic aquabatic aquarobic archontic arhythmic arthritic asphaltic asthmatic asyllabic asyndetic asystolic ataractic atavistic atheistic athematic athetosic athetotic atomistic autarchic authentic autogamic autogenic autolytic automagic automatic autonomic autotelic autotomic autotoxic autotypic auxotonic axiomatic ayurvedic azotaemic ballistic bariatric benthonic betatopic bezoardic bibliotic bicentric bigeneric biochemic biometric biostatic bishopric bismuthic blastemic bombastic bregmatic bricabrac Britannic cachaemic cachectic cacodylic cacoethic cacogenic cadaveric caffeinic calendric calorific camphoric casuistic catabatic catabolic catalatic catalogic catalytic catatonic categoric cathartic cathectic catheptic catoptric causalgic celibatic cenobitic centauric cevitamic charabanc chemurgic chiliadic chimaeric chiragric chirurgic chivalric chloridic chloritic chlorotic cholaemic choleraic choplogic choreatic chorionic chromatic cinchonic cinematic cineramic cirrhotic cistronic cladistic classific climactic coenosarc colorific colostric concyclic copacetic copasetic copesetic coprozoic coseismic coulibiac coulombic coxcombic creosotic cryogenic cylindric cynegetic cysteinic cytidylic cytologic cytolytic cytosolic cytotoxic dadaistic Dadaistic demagogic demiurgic dendritic diacritic diactinic diaeretic dialectic diallagic diametric dianoetic diaphonic diapyetic diaristic diarrheic diasporic diastasic diastatic diastolic diathetic diatropic dicentric dichoptic dichromic didelphic digastric digenetic diglossic diglottic digraphic dimorphic dionysiac diopsidic dioristic diploidic diplontic diplozoic dithionic dizygotic doleritic dolomitic dolorific dracontic dualistic dynamitic dyscrasic dyscratic dyslectic dyspeptic dysphagic dysphasic dysphonic dysphoric dyspnoeic dyspraxic dystectic dysthetic dysthymic ebionitic eccentric echolalic eclamptic ectogenic ectomeric egomaniac egotistic elenchtic embryonic embryotic empaestic emplastic encaustic endamebic endeictic endocytic endoergic endogamic endogenic endotoxic energetic engrammic enigmatic enzymatic epaenetic epedaphic epibiotic epicormic epicritic epicyclic epidermic epidictic epileptic epilithic epinastic epiphanic epiphytic epistatic epistemic epistolic epitaphic epithetic epizootic epsilonic equisetic erethitic ergogenic ergonomic erythemic esotropic ethologic ethylenic etiologic euchloric eudemonic euplastic eurythmic eurytopic eutaxitic eutrophic evangelic excentric excitonic exergonic exocyclic exophoric exosmotic exotropic extrinsic fantasmic fantastic fascistic faunistic felicific fermionic fideistic firemanic floristic fluorotic fluviatic folkloric formulaic fumarolic gadolinic gasolinic gastritic genitalic genotoxic genotypic geocarpic geomantic geometric geophilic geophytic geostatic geotactic geotropic geriatric glossitic glycaemic glycollic gnathonic goliardic grammatic graphemic graphitic gymnastic gynarchic halcyonic halieutic halitotic hanseatic haploidic haplontic hegemonic heliozoic hematinic hematitic hematuric hemolytic hemotoxic heterotic heuristic hexapodic holandric hologynic holotypic homiletic homoeotic homogamic homologic homolytic homonymic homotaxic homotonic homotypic honorific horologic hubristic hybristic hydraulic hydrazoic hydriodic hydroptic hyperemic hyperopic hypobaric hypogenic hypomanic hypopneic hypotonic hypoxemic Icelandic ideologic idiomatic idiotypic imagistic imbecilic impolitic indigotic inelastic infidelic inorganic inotropic insomniac intrinsic ionogenic ischaemic ischiadic