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EXCULPATIONS is an English word with 12 letters, see more words with 12 letters

Nearby Words

exculpation : exculpations : exculpatory

Words that rhyme with exculpations

exculpation sulphations sulfations sulphation calefactions qualifications cheluviations salivations uglifications salifications

Suffixes of exculpations

xculpations culpations ulpations lpations pations ations tions ions ons ns

Prefixes of exculpations

exculpation exculpatio exculpati exculpat exculpa exculp excul excu exc ex

Digrams (Letter Pairs) in exculpations

at cu ex io lp ns on pa ti ul xc

Anagrams of 'exculpations'

Words containing the word EXCULPATIONS