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LENES is an English word with 5 letters, see more words with 5 letters

Nearby Words

lends : lenes : leng

Words that rhyme with lenes

lense lenses lenis lengs lenos lens lanes lines lunes lynes

Suffixes of lenes

enes nes es

Prefixes of lenes

lene len le

These words are direct anagrams of LENES


Words that end with lenes

methylnaphthalenes squalenes pentylenes trichloroethylenes acetylenes amylenes butylenes cyanoacetylenes diethylenes perchloroethylenes ethylenes footballenes gasolenes hexylenes isobutylenes lenes madrilenes magdalenes mesitylenes methylenes naphthalenes oxyacetylenes phenylenes philhellenes polyethylenes polypropylenes propylenes rhigolenes silenes silkalenes terylenes trimethylenes xylenes

Digrams (Letter Pairs) in lenes

en es le ne

Anagrams of 'lenes'

Words containing the word LENES